
Welcome to the AM Hanse Academy

The basic research of the AM-Hanse - that creates new values

In order to explore the hidden, inaccessible mysteries of the universe and creation, it is permissible to look at and explore everything again from a different perspective, regardless of the state of science and technology, as well as regardless of customs, religion and culture. Here is an example of an area of our basic research:

The creation and the universe are in reality only one element!

1. What, how, why does this unit select itself into innumerable, individual atoms?

2. Who or what are atoms in the reality of the universe?

3. How and why is this formed into a seemingly endless universe?

4. How and why do multi-faceted creations arise?

5. How do these innumerable atoms become this outgoing One again?

6. Is there a superior power (God)?

7. If so, what is the dependency and influence?

8. How important is human creation in this system?

9. The time volume (TimePool ©) includes all events at the same time!

10. How and why does our area of life select itself as the present?


The YourEaeth research society has all-encompassing answers that are scientifically prepared as philosophical and physical theories in such a way that they are useful for research and science to provide information on stagnant and new research projects.

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More information in the book

Research / Summary

Even if man as a system unit of the universe can only shape about 7% of his world of experience on his own responsibility, we have it in our hands to bring ourselves into harmony with nature and creation, or to accept formations that are foreign to the system, which are repeatedly created by ourselves, through regional and global undesirable developments in terms of the earth systems and the universe, are formatted in a system-compliant manner. Earth cultures have been experiencing such a phase for thousands of years, as it is now again !!!

Introductory explanations as a book


The demoscopic illustration below is based on the possible cause of a small observation error in science and technology, which could not be avoided from the sequence of basic research, applied research, technical realization and capitalization.

If we scientists now act quickly, prudently and responsibly, against the short-term interests of industry and lobbyists, together we can enable many people to continue living on this earth.

There is no need for an escape from this planet, as some lobbyists are planning and testing in the name of science!

Humanity is basically in good hands on its homeland.

But we all have to rethink and deal with uncomfortable changes!

As a scientist, entrepreneur and appreciative citizen of the world, please decide to participate impartially!

This call is also made to all children and young people, because they carry the key to a new beginning with them!

The end of the digital world - risk analyzes -

Greatest respect for the researchers, scientists and engineers who created the digital world. It is a story of innovations that, within a few years, have fundamentally changed human life. Anton Mertens is himself an expert in mobile communications, telecoms and the German radio tower and has been building radios and electronic devices since his early childhood.

The expertise from current research, such as nuclear and particle physics, quark-gluon plasma, thermalization, particle deflection by magnets, Liouville's theorem, etc. etc., lead Anton Mertens to the realization that there are fundamental errors in the approach to the core of the matter to really crystallize out. Ultimately, however, today it is only a few atoms that coordinate the functions in the microchips. Modern components with a layer thickness of 2 to 3 atoms (soon to be estimated at 20 atoms in total and less) control airplanes, rockets, medical devices, machines, children's toys and global political decisions.

But there is no scientific colleague who really knows the nature of atoms. The world of formulas is still an abstract thought pattern that works 80-87%, depending on the application, of the time in our reality, but in reality has only been researched to a limited extent. Claims that science is only a breath away from fully explaining the nature of atoms are claims of purpose that Anton Mertens does not want to elaborate on.

It is absolutely negligent and punishable if science accepts that without an unequivocal explanation of what or who atoms really are, the existence of mankind is made dependent on the mode of action of individual atoms, the nature of which nobody knows.

The research company YourEarth reports concerns and imminent danger!

Anton Mertens wants to explain and mitigate this worrying situation with his new kind of science and a new world view. The new science looks at what we perceive as human beings and creation from an entirely new perspective.

Open letter to the federal government as PDF
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